Welcome! We would love to have you join us on a Sunday morning.

Early Service
Starts at 8.00am, with a great bunch of people!

Later Service (with Junior Church)
Starts at 10.00am, and is a welcoming “all age” group.

Worship Online
If you’re unable to attend worship in person our 10.00am Service, this is available via Zoom every Sunday.
To be sent the Zoom link, please email: kalaucoffice@iinet.net.au.

Communion Services
At 8.00am and 10.00am, every first Sunday. 10.00am on the fifth Sunday of the month.

Special Services
Special services such as Easter or Christmas start at 10.00am.
Every fifth Sunday of the month at Kalamunda there is a single Combined Service, commencing at 10.00am, with St Martin’s, Forrestfield and the Perth Samoan Uniting Churches.

Messy Church
From 4.00pm to 6.30pm, usually the third Saturday of the month.
At Messy Church, all ages meet together to learn about Christ through games, crafts and activities, music, and storytelling from the Bible.