History of the Church
The Kalamunda Congregation began its life as a small Methodist community in Carmel around 1900. We moved to a new ironstone church building on the corner of Railway Cres and Mead St Kalamunda in 1918 and the current premises in Heath Rd was built in 1990.
The congregation established the Memorial Rose Garden in the same year.
A full History of the Church is available from the book “Kalamunda Uniting Church: a centenary of worship in the Perth Hills”, written by Michelle Bunn & Marcia Maher.
The Stained Glass Window
The installation of the stained glass window was dedicated in December 2008.The window designed by Mr Graeme Quartly (a member of our congregation), built by Ms Julia Reay, under the supervision of senior staff at Boyce Western Glass High Wycombe.
The theme for the window based on the text from 2 Corinthians 5:17 – “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: every-thing old has passed away; see, everything has become new!”.

As we are a Church on the move – not one that lives in the past – the design uses contemporary motifs.
The cross of Christ is central to our faith and to the design as it represents Christ’s death and resurrection.
You will notice that the Bible is open, not closed. This represents the opening up of God’s word to all humankind. It is for every-one.
The letters on the pages are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet – ALPHA and OMEGA. In the Book of Revelation, we read:
“And the one who was seated on the throne said …. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.” Rev 21:5,6
Underneath the cross is the rising sun representing the dawning of the new creation. Each day we rise renewed, to follow Jesus as part of his new creation.
The bird soaring in the sky, the dove, is a symbol of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament, and speaks to us of the presence of God in his creation, and as Guide, Counsellor and Advocate in our own lives.
We are not alone. God is with us.